Saturday morning at noon me and Eemeli met at our rehersalroom and loaded the car with two tomtoms with wornout heads, couple of snare drums and some empty paint cans kindly provided by Tikkurila Oy, and drove straight into the studio with the latest Freedom Call album blasting out of the car stereo! Our aim was to be there at 12.30 but as written in the wind our beloved engineer & co-producer John Stamos Huikka was not in the premises yet, so we chose to start the day with fresh coffee and "kanapekoniparilapatonki" at Cafe Picnic.
Ricky Tournee joined us with his brand new haircut anxious to start recording the vocals for the album. After finishing our breakfast Huikka showed up and led us down to the basement and we got down to business. Ricky started with the song called OMG which will soon be found among the greatest songs in the book of Power-Metal. After few warm-up takes Rickys famous cutting voice was hot and ready to record. He nailed the tune in no time with myself, Eemeli and Huikka acting as producers helping him out with the vocal arangements and sharing our views and ideas to get the best possible performance out of him. It seemed to work really smoothly.
After Ricky had finished his parts, the rest of us started to set up the percussion arsenal in order to record some tribal drum parts for the song known as "Kebab-Ahtisaari-Turkish". Of course you cannot do tribal drums with out some company, so I called my friend and fellow drummer Letku to help me out and stomp some cans with me. After having lunch at the famous restaurant Vega, we grabbed some beers and started to bang the shit out of the percussion set we had set up. It was amazingly fun and it seemed to fit into the song really well. A few beers later we had it and we were ready to head downtown for a wild night out!
- Jake Rattlesnake